Classification Of Aggressive Behavior On Dogs
Aggression in dogs arises from different reasons. Hence, it is a growing concern for dog owners because every pet has these aggressive tendencies. When a dog bites, most owners would not want to keep that dog. But for pet lovers, it will be a heartbreaking decision. The good news is, you can help your dog avoid aggression or even stop it. The key is understanding. It is not true that breed causes the trouble. Every breed can be aggressive; the only difference is stronger breeds can cause larger damage compare to small breeds like Chihuahua. Moreover, larger breeds have a lot more energy than small ones. Hence, they need to let this power out. That causes the trouble when a pet does not have a proper outlet for their energy because their owners do not understand the needs of that dog’s breed. It is important to classify the aggression to determine what the dog’s get from it so you can mediate. Classification of Aggressive Behavior ...